Classical Crystals

Tableaux and Representations of GL(n)

Let \lambda be a partition. The Young diagram of \lambda is the array of boxes having \lambda_i boxes in the i-th row, left adjusted. Thus if \lambda = (3, 2) the diagram is:

\def\lr#1#2#3{\multicolumn{1}{#1@{\hspace{.6ex}}c@{\hspace{.6ex}}#2}{\raisebox{-.3ex}{$#3$}}}\raisebox{-6ex}{\begin{array}[b]{cccc}\cline{1-3}\lr{|}{|}{\;}&\lr{|}{|}{\;}&\lr{|}{|}{\;}\\ \cline{1-3}\lr{|}{|}{}&\lr{|}{|}{}&&\\ \cline{1-2}\end{array}}

A semi-standard Young tableau of shape \lambda is a filling of the box by integers in which the rows are weakly decreasing and the columns are strictly decreasing. Thus

\def\lr#1#2#3{\multicolumn{1}{#1@{\hspace{.6ex}}c@{\hspace{.6ex}}#2}{\raisebox{-.3ex}{$#3$}}}\raisebox{-6ex}{\begin{array}[b]{cccc}\cline{1-3}\lr{|}{|}{3}&\lr{|}{|}{2}&\lr{|}{|}{2}\\ \cline{1-3}\lr{|}{|}{2}&\lr{|}{|}{1}&&\\ \cline{1-2}\end{array}}

is a semistandard Young tableau. Sage has a Tableau class, and you may create this tableau as follows:

sage: T=Tableau([[3,2,2],[2,1]]); T
[[3, 2, 2], [2, 1]]

A partition of length \le r+1 is a dominant weight for GL(r+1,\mathbb{C}) according to the description of the ambient space in Standard realizations of the ambient spaces. Therefore it corresponds to an irreducible representation \pi_\lambda=\pi_\lambda^{GL(r+1)} of GL(r+1,\mathbb{C}).

It is true that not every dominant weight \lambda is a partition, since a dominant weight might have some values \lambda_i negative. The dominant weight \lambda is a partition if and only if the character of \lambda is a polynomial as a function on the space \hbox{Mat}_n(\mathbb{C}). Thus for example \det^{-1}=\pi_\lambda with \lambda=(-1,\cdots,-1), which is a dominant weight but not a partition, and the character is not a polynomial function on \hbox{Mat}_n(\mathbb{C})

Theorem (Littlewood) If \lambda is a partition, then the number of Semi-Standard Young Tableaux with shape \lambda and entries in {1,2,\cdots,r+1} is the dimension of \pi_\lambda.

For example, if \lambda=(3,2) and r=2, then we find 15 tableaux with shape \lambda and entries in \{1,2,3\}:


This is consistent with the theorem since the dimension of the irreducible representation of GL(3) with highest weight (3,2,0) has dimension 15:

sage: A2=WeylCharacterRing("A2")
sage: A2(3,2,0).degree()

In fact we may obtain the character of the representation from the set of tableaux. Indeed, one of the definitions of the Schur polynomial (due to Littlewood) is the following combinatorial one. If T is a tableaux, define the weight of T to be \hbox{wt}(T)=(k_1,\cdots,k_n) where k_i is the number of i‘s in the tableaux. Then the multiplicity of \mu in the character \chi_\lambda is the number of tableaux of weight \lambda. Thus if \mathbf{z}=(z_1,\cdots,z_n), we have

\chi_\lambda(\mathbf{z})=\sum_T \mathbf{z}^{\hbox{wt}(T)}

where the sum is over all semistandard Young tableaux of shape \lambda that have entries in {1,2,\cdots,r+1}.

Tableaux and representations of S_k

Representations of the symmetric group S_k are parametrized by partitions \lambda of k. The parametrization may be characterized as follows. Let n be any integer \ge k. Then both GL(n,\mathbb{C}) and S_k act on \otimes^k V where V=\mathbb{C}^n. Indeed, GL(n) acts on each V and S_k permutes them. Then if \pi_\lambda^{GL(n)} is the representation of GL(n,\mathbb{C}) with highest weight vector \lambda and \pi_\lambda^{S_k} is the irreducible representation of S_k parametrized by \lambda then

\otimes^k V \cong \bigoplus_{\lambda\vdash k}\pi^{GL(n)}_\lambda\otimes\pi^{S_k}_\lambda

as bimodules for the two groups. This is Frobenius-Schur duality and it serves to characterize the parametrization of the irreducible representations of S_k by partitions of k.

Let us say that a Tableaux T of shape \lambda\vdash k is standard if T contains each entry 1,2,\cdots,k exactly once.

Theorem (Young, 1927) The degree of \pi_\lambda is the number of standard tableaux of shape \lambda.

The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence


  • Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3. Sorting and searching. Chapter on Tableaux and Involutions. (1973)
  • Knuth, Permutations, matrices, and generalized Young tableaux. Pacific J. Math. 34 1970 709–727.
  • Fulton, Young Tableaux. (1997)
  • Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, Volume 2 (1999).

The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence gives bijections between pairs of tableaux of various types and combinatorial objects of different types. We will not review the correspondence in detail here, but see the references. We note that Schensted insertion is implemented as the method schensted_insertion() of Tableau class in Sage.

Thus we have the following bijections:

  • Pairs of standard tableaux of the same shape \lambda as \lambda runs through the partitions of k are in bijection with the k! elements of S_k.
  • Pairs of tableaux T_1 and T_2 of shape \lambda where \lambda runs through the partitions of k such that T_1 is a standard tableau and T_2 is a semistandard tableau in 1,2,\cdots,n are in bijection with the n^k words of length k in 1,2,\cdots,n.
  • Pairs of tableaux T_1 and T_2 of the same shape \lambda but arbitrary size in 1,2,3,\cdots,n are in bijection with n\times n positive integer matrices.
  • Pairs of tableaux T_1 and T_2 of conjugate shapes \lambda and \lambda' are in bijection with n\times n matrices with entries 0 or 1.

Analogies between representation theory and combinatorics

The three bijections cited above have the following analogs in representation theory.

  • The group algebra \mathbb{C} is an S_k\times S_k bimodule with of dimension k!. It decomposes as a direct sum of \pi_\lambda^{S_k}\otimes \pi_\lambda^{S_k}.
  • This is analogous to Frobenius-Schur duality, which decomposes the n^k-dimensional vector space V^k where V=\mathbb{C} into the direct sum of \pi_\lambda^{GL(n)}\otimes\pi_\lambda^{S_k} as a bimodule, where \lambda runs through partitions of k.
  • This is analogous to the decomposition of the ring of polynomial functions on \hbox{Mat}(n,\mathbb{C}) on which GL(n,\mathbb{C})\times GL(n,\mathbb{C}) acts by (g_1,g_2)f(X)=f({^t g_1}X g_2). The polynomial ring decomposes into the direct sum of \pi^{GL(n)}_\lambda\otimes\pi^{GL(n)}_\lambda. Taking traces gives the Cauchy identity.
  • This is analogous to the decomposition of the exterior algebra over \hbox{Mat}(n,\mathbb{C}). Taking traces gives the dual Cauchy identity.

Interpolating between representation theory and combinatorics

The theory of quantum groups interpolates between the representation theoretic picture and the combinatorial picture, and thereby explains these analogies. The representation \pi_\lambda^{GL(n)} is reinterpreted as a module for the quantized enveloping algebra U_q(\mathfrak{gl}_n(\mathbb{C})), and the representation \pi_\lambda^{S_k} is reinterpreted as a module for the Iwahori Hecke algebra. Then Frobenius-Schur duality persists. Reference:

  • Jimbo, Michio A q-analogue of U(\mathfrak{gl}(N+1)), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation. Lett. Math. Phys. 11 (1986), no. 3, 247–252.

When q\to 1, we recover the representation story. When q\to 0, we recover the combinatorial story.

Kashiwara Crystals


  • Kashiwara, On crystal bases. Representations of groups (Banff, AB, 1994), 155–197, CMS Conf. Proc., 16, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1995.
  • Kashiwara and Nakashima, Crystal graphs for representations of the q-analogue of classical Lie algebras. J. Algebra 165 (1994), no. 2, 295–345.
  • Hong and Kang, Introduction to quantum groups and crystal bases. AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 2002.

Kashiwara considered the highest weight modules of quantized enveloping algebras U_q(\mathfrak{g}) in the limit when q\to 0. The enveloping algebra cannot be defined when q=0, but a limiting structure can still be detected. This is the crystal basis of the module.

Kashiwara’s crystal bases have a combinatorial structure that sheds light even on purely combinatorial constructions on tableaux that predated quantum groups. It gives a good generalization to other Cartan types.

We will not make the most general definition of a crystal. See the references for a more general definition. Let \Lambda be the weight lattice of a classical Cartan type.

We now define a crystal of type \Phi. Let \mathcal{B} be a set, and let 0 \notin \mathcal{B} be an auxiliary element. For each index 1
\le i \le r we assume there given maps e_i, f_i : \mathcal{B}
\longrightarrow \mathcal{B} \cup \{0\}, maps \varepsilon_i, \phi_i :
\mathcal{B} \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z} and a map \hbox{wt} : \mathcal{B} \longrightarrow \Lambda satisfying certain assumptions, which we now describe. It is assumed that if x, y \in
\mathcal{B} then e_i (x) = y if and only if f_i (y) = x. In this case, it is assumed that

\hbox{wt} (y) = \hbox{wt} (x) + \alpha_i, \qquad \varepsilon_i (x) =  \varepsilon_i (y) + 1, \qquad \phi_i (x) = \phi_i (y) - 1.

Moreover, we assume that

\phi_i (x) - \varepsilon_i (x) = \left\langle \hbox{wt} (x), \alpha^{\vee}_i \right\rangle

for all x \in \mathcal{B}.

Assumption (Regularity) We will assume that \varepsilon_i(v) is the number of times that e_i may applied to v, and that \phi_i(v) is the number of times that f_i may be applied. That is, \phi_i (x) = \max \{k|f_i^k x \neq 0\} and \varepsilon_i (x) = \max \{k|e_i^k (x) \neq 0\}.

This regularity assumption is not made by Kashiwara, but it is satisfied by the crystals that we are concerned with here. Kashiwara also allows \varepsilon_i and \phi_i to take the value -\infty.

Given the crystal \mathcal{B}, the character \chi_{\mathcal{B}} is:

\sum_{v\in\mathcal{B}} {\mathbf{z}}^{wt(v)}.

Given any highest weight \lambda, constructions of Kashiwara and Nakashima, Littelmann and others produce a crystal \chi_{\mathcal{B}_\lambda} such that \chi_{\mathcal{B}_\lambda}=\chi_\lambda, where \chi_\lambda is the irreducible character with highest weight \lambda, as in Representations and Characters.

The crystal \mathcal{B}_\lambda is not uniquely characterized by the properties that we have stated so far. For Cartan types A,D,E it may be characterized by these properties together with certain other Stembridge axioms. We will take it for granted that there is a unique “correct” crystal \mathcal{B}_\lambda and discuss how these are constructed in Sage.

Installing Dot2tex

Before giving examples of crystals, we digress to help you install dot2tex, which you will need in order to make latex images of crystals.

You may download the following file:

Then run:

sage -i dot2tex-2.8.7.spkg

to install the package.

Crystals of Tableaux in Sage

For type A_r, Kashiwara and Nakashima put a crystal structure on the set of tableaux with shape \lambda in 1,2,\cdots,r+1, and this is a realization of \mathcal{B}_\lambda. Moreover, this construction extends to other Cartan types, as we will explain. At the moment, we will consider how to draw pictures of these crystals.

Once you have dot2tex installed, you may make images pictures of crystals as follows:

sage: C=CrystalOfTableaux("A2",shape=[2,1])
sage: C.latex_file("/tmp/a2rho.tex")

Here \lambda=(2,1)=(2,1,0). The crystal C is \mathcal{B}_{\lambda}. The character \chi_\lambda will therefore be the eight-dimensional irreducible character with this highest weight. The method latex_file() produces


As you can see, the elements of this crystal are exactly the eight tableaux of shape \lambda with entries in \{1,2,3\}. The convention is that if x,y\in\mathcal{B} and f_i(x)=y, or equivalently e_i(y)=x, then we draw an arrow from x\to y. Thus the highest weight tableau is the one with no incoming arrows. Indeed, this is:


We recall that the weight of the tableau is (k_1,k_2,k_3) where k_i is the number of i‘s in the tableau, so this tableau has weight (2,1,0), which indeed equals \lambda.

Once the crystal is created, you have access to the ambient space and its methods through the method :meth:weight_lattice_realization():

sage: L = C.weight_lattice_realization(); L
Ambient space of the Root system of type ['A', 2]
sage: L.fundamental_weights()
Finite family {1: (1, 0, 0), 2: (1, 1, 0)}

The highest weight vector is available as follows:

sage: v = C.highest_weight_vector(); v
[[1, 1], [2]]

or more simply:

sage: C[0]
[[1, 1], [2]]

Now we may apply the operators e_i and f_i to move around in the crystal:

sage: v.f(1)
[[1, 2], [2]]
sage: v.f(1).f(1)
sage: v.f(1).f(1) == None
sage: v.f(1).f(2)
[[1, 3], [2]]
sage: v.f(1).f(2).f(2)
[[1, 3], [3]]
sage: v.f(1).f(2).f(2).f(1)
[[2, 3], [3]]
sage: v.f(1).f(2).f(2).f(1) == v.f(2).f(1).f(1).f(2)

You can construct the character if you first make a Weyl character ring:

sage: A2 = WeylCharacterRing("A2")
sage: C.character(A2)

Crystals of Letters

For each of the classical Cartan types there is a standard crystal \mathcal{B}_{\hbox{standard}} from which other crystals can be built up by taking tensor products and extracting constituent irreducible crystals. This procedure is sufficient for Cartan types A_r and C_r. For types B_r and D_r the standard crystal must be supplemented with a spin crystal.


The crystal of letters is a special case of the crystal of tableaux in the sense that \mathcal{B}_{\hbox{standard}} is isomorphic the crystal of tableaux whose highest weight \lambda is the highest weight vector of the standard representation. Thus compare:

sage: CrystalOfLetters("A3")
The crystal of letters for type ['A', 3]
sage: CrystalOfTableaux("A3",shape=[1])
The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 3] and shape(s) [[1]]

These two crystals are different in implementation, but they are isomorphic, and in fact the second crystal is constructed from the first. Crystals of letters have a special role in the theory since they are particularly simple, yet as Kashiwara and Nakashima showed, the crystals of tableaux can be created from them. We will review how this works.

Tensor Products of Crystals

Kashiwara defined the tensor product of crystals in a purely combinatorial way. The beauty of this construction is that it exactly parallels the tensor product of crystals of representations. That is, if \lambda and \mu are dominant weights, then \mathcal{B}_\lambda\otimes\mathcal{B}_\mu is a (usually disconnected) crystal which may contain multiple copies of \mathcal{B}_\nu (for another dominant weight \nu) but the number of copies of \mathcal{B}_\nu is exactly the multiplicity of \chi_\nu in \chi_\lambda\chi_\mu.

We will describe two conventions for the tensor product of crystals. These conventions would have to be modified slightly without the regularity assumption.

Kashiwara’s definition

As a set, the tensor product \mathcal{B} \otimes \mathcal{C} of crystals \mathcal{B} and \mathcal{C} is the Cartesian product, but we denote the ordered pair (x, y) with x \in \mathcal{B} and y \in \mathcal{C} by x
\otimes y. We define \hbox{wt} (x \otimes y) = \hbox{wt} (x) + \hbox{wt}
(y). We define

f_i (x \otimes y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} f_i (x) \otimes y & \text{if $\phi_i (x) > \varepsilon_i (y)$},\\ x \otimes f_i (y) & \text{if $\phi_i (x) \le \varepsilon_i (y)$}, \end{array} \right.


e_i (x \otimes y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} e_i (x) \otimes y & \text{if $\phi_i (x) \ge \varepsilon_i (y)$},\\ x \otimes e_i (y) & \text{if $\phi_i (x) < \varepsilon_i (y)$} . \end{array} \right.

It is understood that x \otimes 0 = 0 \otimes x = 0. We also define:

\phi_i (x \otimes y) = \max (\phi_i (y), \phi_i (x) + \phi_i (y) - \varepsilon_i (y)),

\varepsilon_i (x \otimes y) = \max (\varepsilon_i (x), \varepsilon_i (x) + \varepsilon_i (y) - \phi_i (x)) .

Alternative definition

As a set, the tensor product \mathcal{B} \otimes \mathcal{C} of crystals \mathcal{B} and \mathcal{C} is the Cartesian product, but we denote the ordered pair (y, x) with y \in \mathcal{B} and x \in \mathcal{C} by x
\otimes y. We define \hbox{wt} (x \otimes y) = \hbox{wt} (y) + \hbox{wt}
(x). We define

f_i (x \otimes y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}  f_i (x) \otimes y & \text{if $\phi_i (y) \le \varepsilon_i (x)$},\\  x \otimes f_i (y) & \text{if $\phi_i (y) > \varepsilon_i (x)$},  \end{array} \right.


e_i (x \otimes y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}  e_i (x) \otimes y & \text{if $\phi_i (y) < \varepsilon_i (x)$} .\\  x \otimes e_i (y) & \text{if $\phi_i (y) \ge \varepsilon_i (x)$}, \end{array} \right.

It is understood that y \otimes 0 = 0 \otimes y = 0. We also define

\phi_i (x \otimes y)  =  \max (\phi_i (x), \phi_i (y) + \phi_i (x) - \varepsilon_i (x)),

\varepsilon_i (x \otimes y)  =  \max (\varepsilon_i (y), \varepsilon_i (y) + \varepsilon_i (x) - \phi_i (y)) .

The tensor product is associative: (x\otimes y)\otimes z\mapsto x\otimes(y\otimes z) is an isomorphism (\mathcal{B}\otimes\mathcal{C})\otimes\mathcal{D}\to\mathcal{B}\otimes(\mathcal{C}\otimes\mathcal{D}), and so we may consider tensor products of arbitrary numbers of crystals.

The relationship between the two definitions

The relationship between the two definitions is simply that the Kashiwara tensor product \mathcal{B}\otimes\mathcal{C} is the alternate tensor product \mathcal{C}\otimes\mathcal{B} in reverse order. Sage uses the alternative tensor product. Even though the tensor product construction is a priori asymmetrical, both constructions produce isomorphic crystals, and in particular Sage’s crystals of tableaux are identical to Kashiwara’s.

Tensor products of crystals in Sage

You may construct the tensor product of several crystals in Sage using TensorProductOfCrystals:

sage: C = CrystalOfLetters("A2")
sage: T = TensorProductOfCrystals(C,C,C); T
Full tensor product of the crystals [The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2],
The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2], The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2]]
sage: T.cardinality()
sage: T.highest_weight_vectors()
[[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [2, 1, 1], [3, 2, 1]]

This crystal has four highest weight vectors. We may understand this as follows:

sage: A2 = WeylCharacterRing("A2")
sage: chi_C = C.character(A2)
sage: chi_T = T.character(A2)
sage: chi_C
sage: chi_T
A2(1,1,1) + 2*A2(2,1,0) + A2(3,0,0)
sage: chi_T == chi_C^3

As expected, the character of T is the cube of the character of C, and representations with highest weight (1,1,1), (3,0,0) and (2,1,0). This decomposition is predicted by Frobenius-Schur duality: the multiplicity of \pi_\lambda^{GL(n)} in \otimes^3\mathbb{C}^3 is the degree of of \pi_\lambda^{S_3}.

It is useful to be able to select one irreducible constitutent of T. If we only want one of the irreducible constituents of T, we can specify a list of highest weight vectors by the option generators. If the list has only one element, then we get an irreducible crystal. We can make four such crystals:

sage: [T1,T2,T3,T4] = \
[TensorProductOfCrystals(C,C,C,generators=[v]) for v in T.highest_weight_vectors()]
sage: [B.cardinality() for B in [T1,T2,T3,T4]]
[10, 8, 8, 1]
sage: [B.character(A2) for B in [T1,T2,T3,T4]]
[A2(3,0,0), A2(2,1,0), A2(2,1,0), A2(1,1,1)]

We see that two of these crystals are isomorphic, with character A2(2,1,0). Try:

sage: T1.plot(), T2.plot(), T3.plot(), T4.plot()

Elements of TensorProductOfCrystals(A,B,C, ...) are represented by sequences [a,b,c, ...] with a in A, b in B, etc. This of course represents a\otimes b\otimes c\otimes\cdots.

Crystals of Tableaux as tensor products of crystals

Sage implements the CrystalOfTableaux as a subcrystal of a tensor product of the CrystalOfLetters. You can see how its done as follows:

sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux("A3",shape=[3,1])
sage: v = T.highest_weight_vector().f(1).f(2).f(3).f(1).f(2); v
[[1, 3, 4], [2]]
sage: v._list
[2, 1, 3, 4]

We’ve looked at the internal representation of v, where it is represented as an element of the fourth tensor power of the CrystalOfLetters. We see that the tableau:


is interpreted as the tensor:

\begin{array}{|l|}\hline 2\\ \hline\end{array} \otimes \begin{array}{|l|} \hline 1\\ \hline\end{array} \otimes \begin{array}{|l|} \hline 4\\ \hline\end{array} \otimes \begin{array}{|l|} \hline 3\\ \hline\end{array}

The elements of the tableau are read from bottom to top and from left to right. This is the inverse middle-Eastern reading of the tableau. See Hong and Kang, loc. cit. for discussion of the readings of a tableau.

Spin Crystals

For the Cartan types A_r, C_r or G_2, CrystalOfTableaux are capable of making any finite crystal. (For type A_r it is necessary that the highest weight \lambda be a partition.)

For Cartan types B_r and D_r, CrystalOfTableaux fail to make \mathcal{B}_\lambda if \lambda is half-integral. For type B_2 you can do this:

sage: B = FastCrystal(['B',2],shape=[3/2,1/2]); B
The fast crystal for B2 with shape [3/2,1/2]
sage: v = B.highest_weight_vector(); v.weight()
(3/2, 1/2)

However FastCrystals are only available for rank two Cartan types. We therefore have to do something else to create crystals of half-integral weight.

For types B_r and D_r the solution to this problem involves the use of spin crystals.

Type B spin crystal

The spin crystal has highest weight (1/2,\cdots,1/2). This is the last fundamental weight. The irreducible representation with this weight is the spin representation of degree 2^r. Its crystal is hand-coded in Sage:

sage: Cspin = CrystalOfSpins("B3"); Cspin
The crystal of spins for type ['B', 3]
sage: Cspin.cardinality()

We can make use of this to construct an arbitrary crystal with highest weight \lambda, where \lambda is a half-integral weight. For example, suppose that \lambda=(3/2,3/2,1/2). The corresponding irreducible character will have degree 112:

sage: B3=WeylCharacterRing("B3")
sage: B3(3/2,3/2,1/2).degree()

So \mathcal{B}_\lambda will have 112 elements. We can find it as a subcrystal of Cspin\otimes\mathcal{B}_\mu, where \mu=\lambda-(1/2,1/2,1/2)=(1,1,0):

sage: B3(1,1,0)*B3(1/2,1/2,1/2)
B3(1/2,1/2,1/2) + B3(3/2,1/2,1/2) + B3(3/2,3/2,1/2)

We see that just taking the tensor product of these two crystals will produce a reducible crystal with three constitutents, and we want to extract the one we want. We do that as follows:

sage: C1 = CrystalOfTableaux("B3",shape=[1,1])
sage: C = TensorProductOfCrystals(C1,Cspin,generators=[[C1[0],Cspin[0]]])
sage: C.cardinality()

This is the desired crystal.

Type D spin crystals

A similar situation pertains for type D_r, but now there are two spin crystals, both of degree 2^{r-1}. These are hand-coded in sage:

sage: SpinPlus = CrystalOfSpinsPlus("D4")
sage: SpinMinus = CrystalOfSpinsMinus("D4")
sage: SpinPlus[0].weight()
(1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2)
sage: SpinMinus[0].weight()
(1/2, 1/2, 1/2, -1/2)
sage: [C.cardinality() for C in [SpinPlus,SpinMinus]]
[8, 8]

You can use them similarly to the type B crystal of spins in order to construct any crystal of half-integral weight.

Levi Branching Rules for Crystals

Let G be a Lie group and H a Levi subgroup. We have already seen that the Dynkin diagram of H is obtained from that of G by erasing one or more nodes.

If \mathcal{C} is a crystal for G, then we may obtain the corresponding crystal for H by a similar process. For example if the Dynkin-diagram for H is obtained from the Dynkin diagram for G by erasing the i-th node, then if we erase all the edges in the crystal \mathcal{C} that are labeled with i, we obtain a crystal for H.

Affine Crystals

Sage contains support for affine crystals. These lie outside the scope of this document.