Maximal Subgroups and Branching Rules

Branching Rules

If G is a Lie group and H is a subgroup, one often needs to know how representations of G restrict to H. Irreducibles usually do not restrict to irreducibles. In some cases the restriction is regular and predictable, in other cases it is chaotic. The description of how irreducibles decompose into irreducibles is called a branching rule.

References for this topic:

  • King, Branching rules for classical Lie groups using tensor and spinor methods. J. Phys. A 8 (1975), 429-449
  • Howe, Tan and Willenbring, Stable branching rules for classical symmetric pairs, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), no. 4, 1601-1626
  • McKay and Patera, Tables of Dimensions, Indices and Branching Rules for Representations of Simple Lie Algebras (Marcel Dekker, 1981)
  • Fauser, Jarvis, King and Wybourne, New branching rules induced by plethysm. J. Phys. A 39 (2006), no. 11, 2611–2655.

Sage has enough built in branching rules to handle all cases where G is a classical group, that is, type A, B, C or D. It also has many built in cases where G is an exceptional group.

Clearly it is sufficient to consider the case where H is a maximal subgroup of G, since if this is known then one may branch down successively through a series of subgroups, each maximal in its predecessors. A problem is therefore to understand the maximal subgroups in a Lie group, and to give branching rules for each.

For convenience Sage includes some branching rules to non-maximal subgroups, but strictly speaking these are not necessary. The goal is to give a sufficient set of built-in branching rules for all maximal subgroups, and this is accomplished for classical groups (types A, B, C or D) at least up to rank 8, and for many maximal subgroups of exceptional groups.

Levi Subgroups

A Levi subgroup may or may not be maximal. They are easily classified. If one starts with a Dynkin diagram for G and removes a single node, one obtains a smaller Dynkin diagram, which is the Dynkin diagram of a smaller subgroup H.

For example, here is the A3 Dynkin diagram:

sage: A3=WeylCharacterRing("A3")
sage: A3.dynkin_diagram()
1   2   3

We see that we may remove the node 3 and obtain A2, or the node 2 and obtain A1xA1. These correspond to the Levi subgroups GL(3) and GL(2)\times GL(2) of GL(4). Let us construct the irreducible representations of GL(4) and branch them down to these down to GL(3) and GL(2)\times GL(2):

sage: A3=WeylCharacterRing("A3")
sage: reps = [A3(v) for v in A3.fundamental_weights()]; reps
[A3(1,0,0,0), A3(1,1,0,0), A3(1,1,1,0)]
sage: A2=WeylCharacterRing("A2")
sage: A1xA1=WeylCharacterRing("A1xA1")
sage: [pi.branch(A2,rule="levi") for pi in reps]
[A2(0,0,0) + A2(1,0,0), A2(1,0,0) + A2(1,1,0), A2(1,1,0) + A2(1,1,1)]
sage: [pi.branch(A1xA1,rule="levi") for pi in reps]
[A1xA1(0,0,1,0) + A1xA1(1,0,0,0),
 A1xA1(0,0,1,1) + A1xA1(1,0,1,0) + A1xA1(1,1,0,0),
 A1xA1(1,0,1,1) + A1xA1(1,1,1,0)]

Let us redo this calculation in coroot notation. As we have explained, coroot notation does not distinguish between representations of GL(4) that have the same restriction to SL(4), so in effect we are now working with the groups SL(4) and its Levi subgroups SL(3) and SL(2)\times SL(2):

sage: A3=WeylCharacterRing("A3",style="coroots")
sage: reps = [A3(v) for v in A3.fundamental_weights()]; reps
[A3(1,0,0), A3(0,1,0), A3(0,0,1)]
sage: A2=WeylCharacterRing("A2",style="coroots")
sage: A1xA1=WeylCharacterRing("A1xA1",style="coroots")
sage: [pi.branch(A2,rule="levi") for pi in reps]
[A2(0,0) + A2(1,0), A2(0,1) + A2(1,0), A2(0,0) + A2(0,1)]
sage: [pi.branch(A1xA1,rule="levi") for pi in reps]
[A1xA1(0,1) + A1xA1(1,0), 2*A1xA1(0,0) + A1xA1(1,1), A1xA1(0,1) + A1xA1(1,0)]

Now we may observe a distinction difference in branching from GL(4)\to GL(2)\times GL(2) and with SL(4)\to SL(2)\times
SL(2). Consider the middle representation, which is the six dimensional exterior square. In the coroot notation, the restriction contained two copies of the trivial representation, 2*A1xA1(0,0). The other way, we had instead three distinct representations in the restriction, namely A1xA1(1,1,0,0) and A1xA1(0,0,1,1), that is, \det\otimes 1 and 1\otimes\det.

The Levi subgroup A1xA1 is actually not maximal. Indeed, we may factor the embedding:

SL(2)\times SL(2)\to Sp(4)\to SL(4).

Therfore there are branching rules A3 -> C2 and C2 -> A2, and we could accomplish the branching in two steps, thus:

sage: A3 = WeylCharacterRing("A3",style="coroots")
sage: C2 = WeylCharacterRing("C2",style="coroots")
sage: B2 = WeylCharacterRing("B2",style="coroots")
sage: D2 = WeylCharacterRing("D2",style="coroots")
sage: A1xA1=WeylCharacterRing("A1xA1",style="coroots")
sage: reps = [A3(fw) for fw in A3.fundamental_weights()]
sage: [pi.branch(C2,rule="symmetric").branch(B2,rule="isomorphic").\
....:     branch(D2,rule="extended").branch(A1xA1,rule="isomorphic") for pi in reps]
[A1xA1(0,1) + A1xA1(1,0), 2*A1xA1(0,0) + A1xA1(1,1), A1xA1(0,1) + A1xA1(1,0)]

As you can see, we’ve redone the branching rather circuitously this way, making use of the branching rules A3->C2 and B2->D2, and two accidental isomorphisms C2=B2 and D2=A1xA1. It is much easier to go in one step using rule="levi", but reassuring that we get the same answer!

Subgroups Classified by the Extended Dynkin Diagram

It is also true that if we remove one node from the extended Dynkin diagram that we obtain the Dynkin diagram of a subgroup. For example:

sage: G2=WeylCharacterRing("G2",style="coroots")
sage: G2.extended_dynkin_diagram()
1   2   0

Observe that by removing the 1 node that we obtain an A2 Dynkin diagram. Therefore the exceptional group G2 contains a copy of SL(3). We branch the two representations of G2 corresponding to the fundamental weights to this copy of A2:

sage: G2=WeylCharacterRing("G2",style="coroots")
sage: A2=WeylCharacterRing("A2",style="coroots")
sage: [G2(f).degree() for f in G2.fundamental_weights()]
[7, 14]
sage: [G2(f).branch(A2,rule="extended") for f in G2.fundamental_weights()]
[A2(0,0) + A2(0,1) + A2(1,0), A2(0,1) + A2(1,0) + A2(1,1)]

The two representations of G2, of degrees 7 and 14 respectively are the action on the octonions of trace zero and the adjoint representation.

For embeddings of this type, the rank of the subgroup H is the same as the rank of G. This is in contrast with embeddings of Levi type, where H has rank one less than G.

Orthogonal and symplectic subgroups of orthogonal and symplectic groups

If G=SO(r+s) then G has a subgroup SO(r)\times SO(s). This lifts to an embedding of the universal covering groups

\hbox{spin}(r)\times \hbox{spin}(s)\to \hbox{spin}(r+s)

Sometimes this embedding is of extended type, and sometimes it is not. It is of extended type unless r and s are both odd. If it is of extended type then you may use rule="extended". In any case you may use rule="orthogonal_sum". The name refer to the origin of the embedding SO(r)\times SO(s)\to SO(r+s) from the decomposition of the underlying quadratic space as a direct sum of two orthogonal subspaces.

There are four cases depending on the parity of r and s. For example, if r=2k and s=2l we have an embedding :

['D',k] x ['D',l] --> ['D',k+l]

This is of extended type. Thus consider the embedding D4xD3 -> D7. Here is the extended Dynkin diagram:

  0 O           O 7
    |           |
    |           |
1   2   3   4   5   6

Removing the 4 vertex results in a disconnected Dynkin diagram:

  0 O           O 7
    |           |
    |           |
O---O---O       O---O
1   2   3       5   6

This is D4xD3. Therefore use the “extended” branching rule:

sage: D7=WeylCharacterRing("D7",style="coroots")
sage: D4xD3=WeylCharacterRing("D4xD3",style="coroots")
sage: spin = D7(D7.fundamental_weights()[7]); spin
sage: spin.branch(D4xD3,rule="extended")
D4xD3(0,0,1,0,0,1,0) + D4xD3(0,0,0,1,0,0,1)

Similarly we have embeddings

['D',k] x ['B',l] --> ['B',k+l].

These are also of extended type. For example consider the embedding of D3xB2->B5. Here is the B5 extended Dynkin diagram:

    O 0
1   2   3   4   5

Removing the 3 node gives:

    O 0
O---O       O=>=O
1   2       4   5

and this is the Dynkin diagram or D3xB2. For such branchings we again use rule="extended".

Finally, there is an embedding

['B',k] x ['B',l] --> ['D',k+l+1]

This is not of extended type, so you may not use rule="extended".

Symmetric Subgroups

If G admits an outer automorphism (usually of order two) then we may try to find the branching rule to the fixed subgroup H. It can be arranged that this automorphism maps the maximal torus T to itself and that a maximal torus U of H is contained in T.

Suppose that the Dynkin diagram of G admits an automorphism. Then G itself admits an outer automorphism. The Dynkin diagram of the group H of invariants may be obtained by “folding” the Dynkin diagram of G along the automorphism. The exception is the branching rule GL(2r)\implies SO(2r).

Here are the branching rules that can be obtained using rule="symmetric".

G H Cartan Types
GL(2r) Sp(2r) [‘A’,2r-1] => [‘C’,r]
GL(2r+1) SO(2r+1) [‘A’,2r] => [‘B’,r]
GL(2r) SO(2r) [‘A’,2r-1] => [‘D’,r]
SO(2r) SO(2r-1) [‘D’,r] => [‘B’,r-1]
E_6 F_4 [‘E’,6] => [‘F’,4]

Tensor Products

If G_1 and G_2 are Lie groups, and we have representations \pi_1:G_1\to GL(n) and \pi_2:G_2\to GL(m) then the tensor product is a representation of G_1\times G_2. It has its image in GL(nm) but sometimes this is conjugate to a subgroup of SO(nm) or Sp(nm). In particular we have the following cases.

Group Subgroup Cartan Types
GL(rs) GL(r)\times GL(s) ['A', rs-1] => ['A',r-1] x ['A',s-1]
SO(4rs+2r+2s+1) SO(2r+1)\times SO(2s+1) ['B',2rs+r+s] => ['B',r] x ['B',s]
SO(4rs+2s) SO(2r+1)\times SO(2s) ['D',2rs+s] => ['B',r] x ['D',s]
SO(4rs) SO(2r)\times SO(2s) ['D',2rs] => ['D',r] x ['D',s]
SO(4rs) Sp(2r)\times Sp(2s) ['D',2rs] => ['C',r] x ['C',s]
Sp(4rs+2s) SO(2r+1)\times Sp(2s) ['C',2rs+s] => ['B',r] x ['C',s]
Sp(4rs) Sp(2r)\times SO(2s) ['C',2rs] => ['C',r] x ['D',s]

These branching rules are obtained using rule="tensor".

Symmetric Powers

The k-th symmetric and exterior power homomorphisms map GL(n)\to GL\left({n+k-1\choose k}\right) and GL\left({n\choose k}\right). The corresponding branching rules are not implemented but a special case is. The k-th symmetric power homomorphism SL(2)\to GL(k+1) has its image inside of SO(2r+1) if k=2r and inside of Sp(2r) if k=2r-1. Hence there are branching rules:

['B',r] => A1
['C',r] => A1

and these may be obtained using rule="symmetric_power".


The above branching rules are sufficient for most cases, but a few fall between the cracks. Mostly these involve maximal subgroups of fairly small rank.

rule="plethysm" is a powerful rule that includes any branching rule from types A,B,C or D as a special case. Thus it could be used in place of the above rules and would give the same results. However it is most useful when branching from G to a maximal subgroup H such that rank(H) < rank(G)-1.

We consider a homomorphism H\to G where G is one of SL(r+1), SO(2r+1), Sp(2r) or SO(2r). The function branching_rule_from_plethysm produces the corresponding branching rule. The main ingredient is the character \chi of the representation of H that is the homomorphism to GL(r+1), GL(2r+1) or GL(2r).

Let us consider the symmetric fifth power representation of SL(2). This is implemented above by rule="symmetric_power", but suppose we want to use rule="plethysm". First we construct the homomorphism by invoking its character, to be called chi:

sage: A1=WeylCharacterRing("A1",style="coroots")
sage: chi=A1([5])
sage: chi.frobenius_schur_indicator()

This confirms that the character has degree 6 and s symplectic, so it corresponds to a homomorphism SL(2) \to Sp(6), and there is a corresponding branching rule C3 => A1:

sage: C3 = WeylCharacterRing("C3",style="coroots")
sage: sym5rule = branching_rule_from_plethysm(chi,"C3")
sage: [C3(hwv).branch(A1,rule=sym5rule) for hwv in C3.fundamental_weights()]
[A1(5), A1(4) + A1(8), A1(3) + A1(9)]

This is identical to the results we would obtain using rule=”symmetric_power”:

sage: [C3(v).branch(A1,rule="symmetric_power") for v in C3.fundamental_weights()]
[A1(5), A1(4) + A1(8), A1(3) + A1(9)]

But the next example of plethysm gives a branching rule not available by other methods:

sage: G2 = WeylCharacterRing("G2",style="coroots")
sage: D7 = WeylCharacterRing("D7",style="coroots")
sage: ad=G2(0,1);
sage: ad.frobenius_schur_indicator()

This is the 14-dimensional adjoint representation of the exceptional group G_2. Since the Frobenius-Schur indicator is 1, the representation is orthogonal, and factors through SO(14). Let us branch the fundamental representations:

sage: for r in D7.fundamental_weights():
....:    print D7(r).branch(G2, rule=branching_rule_from_plethysm(ad,"D7"))
G2(0,1) + G2(3,0)
G2(0,0) + G2(2,0) + G2(3,0) + G2(0,2) + G2(4,0)
G2(0,1) + G2(2,0) + G2(1,1) + G2(0,2) + G2(2,1) + G2(4,0) + G2(3,1)
G2(1,0) + G2(0,1) + G2(1,1) + 2*G2(3,0) + 2*G2(2,1) + G2(1,2) + G2(3,1) + G2(5,0) + G2(0,3)

Miscellaneous other subgroups

Use rule="miscellaneous" for the branching rule B3 => G2. This may also be obtained using a plethysm but for convenience this one is hand-coded.

Nuts and Bolts of Branching Rules

Sage has many built-in branching rules, enough to handle most cases. However if you find a case where there is no existing rule, you may code it by hand. Moreover it may be useful to understand how the built-in rules work.

Suppose you want to branch from a group G to a subgroup H. Arrange the embedding so that a Cartan subalgebra U of H is contained in a Cartan subalgebra T of G. There is thus a mapping from the weight spaces \hbox{Lie}(T)^* \to \hbox{Lie}(U)^*. Two embeddings will produce identical branching rules if they differ by an element of the Weyl group of H. The rule is this map \hbox{Lie}(T)^* = to \hbox{Lie}(U)^* =, which you may implement as a function.

As an example, let us consider how to implement the branching rule A3 -> C2. Here H = C2 = Sp(4) embedded as a subgroup in A3 = GL(4). The Cartan subalgebra \hbox{Lie}(U) consists of diagonal matrices with eigenvalues u1, u2, -u2, -u1. Then is the two dimensional vector spaces consisting of the linear functionals u1 and u2 on U. On the other hand Lie(T)=\mathbb{R}^4. A convenient way to see the restriction is to think of it as the adjoint of the map [u1,u2] -> [u1,u2,-u2,-u1], that is, [x0,x1,x2,x3] -> [x0-x3,x1-x2]. Hence we may encode the rule:

def brule(x):
    return [x[0]-x[3],x[1]-x[2]]

or simply:

brule = lambda x : [x[0]-x[3],x[1]-x[2]]

Let us check that this agrees with the built-in rule:

sage: A3 = WeylCharacterRing(['A',3])
sage: C2 = WeylCharacterRing(['C',2])
sage: brule = lambda x : [x[0]-x[3],x[1]-x[2]]
sage: A3(1,1,0,0).branch(C2, rule=brule)
C2(0,0) + C2(1,1)
A3(1,1,0,0).branch(C2, rule="symmetric")
C2(0,0) + C2(1,1)

Automorphisms and Triality

The case where G=H can be treated as a special case of a branching rule. In most cases (A_r, D_r, E_6) there is a unique automorphism and the branching rule can be obtained using rule="automorphic". The exception is D_4, where an additional automorphism of order three can be obtained using rule="triality".