.. _spkg_nose: nose: Python unit testing framework =================================== Description ----------- nose extends the test loading and running features of unittest, making it easier to write, find and run tests. License ------- GNU LGPL Upstream Contact ---------------- Author: Jason Pellerin Home Page: http://readthedocs.org/docs/nose/ see also https://github.com/nose-devs/nose Dependencies ------------ - setuptools / distribute - Python - GNU patch (shipped with Sage) Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- None. Type ---- standard Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 1.3.7 install-requires.txt:: nose >=1.3.7 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- conda: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ conda install nose See https://repology.org/project/nose/versions However, these system packages will not be used for building Sage because using Python site-packages is not supported by the Sage distribution; see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29023