.. _spkg_nauty: nauty: Find automorphism groups of graphs, generate non-isomorphic graphs ========================================================================= Description ----------- Nauty has various tools for finding the automorphism group of a graph, generating non-isomorphic graphs with certain properties, etc. License ------- Since version 2.6, nauty license is GPL-compatible, see http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/COPYRIGHT.txt (a copy of this file, called COPYRIGHT, is also present in the tarball) Special Packaging Instruction ----------------------------- Upstream distribute tarball named nauty${version}.tar.gz. We cannot deal with that so rename it nauty-${version}.tar.gz (notice the "-") without any changes. Upstream Contact ---------------- Brendan D. McKay, Computer Science Department Australian National University bdm@cs.anu.edu.au Adolfo Piperno, Dipartimento di Informatica Sapienza - Università di Roma piperno@di.uniroma1.it See http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/ Or http://pallini.di.uniroma1.it/ Type ---- standard Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 27r1.p1 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- arch: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo pacman -S nauty conda: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ conda install nauty Debian/Ubuntu: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo apt-get install nauty Fedora/Redhat/CentOS: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo yum install nauty freebsd: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo pkg install nauty homebrew: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ brew install nauty nix: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ nix-env --install nauty opensuse: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo zypper install nauty See https://repology.org/project/nauty/versions If the system package is installed, ./configure will check whether it can be used.