.. _spkg_gcc: gcc: The GNU Compiler Collection, including the C, C++ and Fortran compiler =========================================================================== Description ----------- The GNU Compiler Collection, including the C, C++ and Fortran compiler. License ------- GPL version 2 or version 3 Upstream Contact ---------------- https://gcc.gnu.org/ Dependencies ------------ - zlib - MPIR - MPFR - MPC Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- None. Type ---- standard Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 9.2.0 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- arch: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo pacman -S gcc cygwin: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ apt-cyg install gcc Debian/Ubuntu: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo apt-get install gcc Fedora/Redhat/CentOS: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo yum install gcc freebsd: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo pkg install gcc opensuse: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo zypper install gcc See https://repology.org/project/gcc/versions If the system package is installed, ./configure will check whether it can be used.