.. _spkg_database_cremona_ellcurve: database_cremona_ellcurve: Database of elliptic curves ====================================================== Description ----------- John Cremona's database of elliptic curves See https://github.com/JohnCremona/ecdata This is an optional package, not included by default. License ------- Public Domain Dependencies ------------ None Patches ~~~~~~~ - None Upstream Contact ---------------- - Author: John Cremona - Email: john.cremona@gmail.com - Website: http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/staff/J.E.Cremona/ Update Instructions ------------------- Get an up-to-date copy of the git repository ecdata from https://github.com/JohnCremona/ecdata. If the cremona database has already been installed, remove ``SAGE_DATA/cremona/cremona.db``. Then run The build script expects to find the files in subfolders allcurves, allgens, degphi and allbsd of the ecdata folder. It extracts them and builds the new cremona.db file from the contents. Finally, copy ``SAGE_DATA/cremona/cremona.db`` to the src directory of the spkg. Type ---- optional Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 20190911 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- See https://repology.org/project/sage-data-cremona-ellcurve/versions, https://repology.org/project/sagemath-database-cremona-elliptic-curves/versions However, these system packages will not be used for building Sage because spkg-configure.m4 has not been written for this package; see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27330