.. _spkg_csdp: csdp: Solver for semidefinite programs ====================================== Description ----------- This is a fast SDP solver written in C, with a callable library namely, an autotool'ed version of CSDP, by Brian Borchers, see https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp License ------- Common Public License Version 1.0 Upstream Contact ---------------- Dmitrii Pasechnik Dependencies ------------ Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- csdp is an autotool'ed version of CSDP, see https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp, developed in its own repository at http://github.org/dimpase/csdp. To update to a new version, you need to bump the version number in configure.ac and rerun autotools (autoreconf -fiv). Any changes should be merged to the upstream repo. The build is done with NOSHORTS variable defined; this makes it compatible with packages, where NOSHORTS must be defined, e.g. https://github.com/dimpase/pycsdp; also the Sage Cython interface needs NOSHORTS defined. Detailed steps to build the spkg are as follows. You need - git - autotools and libtool (the full autohell suite, version at least 2.67) With these ready: - ./spkg-src - copy the resulting csdp-.tar.gz to SAGE_ROOT/upstream, or somewhere else appropriate Type ---- optional Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 6.2.p0 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- arch: .. CODE-BLOCK:: bash $ sudo pacman -S coin-or-csdp csdp See https://repology.org/project/coin-or-csdp/versions, https://repology.org/project/csdp/versions However, these system packages will not be used for building Sage because spkg-configure.m4 has not been written for this package; see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27330