.. _spkg_compilerwrapper: compilerwrapper: A wrapper for compiler and binutils that sets rpath and works around broken archs ================================================================================================== Description ----------- A wrapper for compiler and binutils that sets rpath, removes optimizations on broken archs and gcc versions, and generally helps to compile Sage more easily. License ------- GPL v2+ Upstream Contact ---------------- - https://bitbucket.org/vbraun/compilerwrapper - Volker Braun Dependencies ------------ - None Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- The src/ subdirectory is a clone of my mercurial repository at https://bitbucket.org/vbraun/compilerwrapper. You can update the source tree with "hg pull -u". Type ---- experimental Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 1.2 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- However, these system packages will not be used for building Sage because spkg-configure.m4 has not been written for this package; see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27330