.. _spkg_awali: awali: Computation of/with finite state machines ================================================ Description ----------- Awali is a software platform dedicated to the computation of, and with, finite state machines. Here finite state machines is to be understood in the broadest possible sense: finite automata with output — often called transducers then — or even more generally finite automata with multiplicity, that is, automata that not only accept, or recognize, sequences of symbols but compute for every such sequence a 'value' that is associated with it and which can be taken in any semiring. Hence the variety of situations that can thus be modellized. License ------- - GPL 3.0 Upstream Contact ---------------- - Website: http://vaucanson-project.org/Awali/index.html - Releases: http://files.vaucanson-project.org/tarballs/ Dependencies ------------ - Python - CMake - Cython - ncurses - graphviz must be installed from your distro, and available in the path. Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- - None Type ---- experimental Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 1.0.2-190218 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- However, these system packages will not be used for building Sage because spkg-configure.m4 has not been written for this package; see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27330