.. _spkg_atlas: atlas: Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (BLAS implementation) ======================================================================== Description ----------- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software License ------- 3-clause BSD Upstream Contact ---------------- - http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net - Atlas devel mailing list. - Clint Whaley has frequently answered questions from the Sage project Dependencies ------------ - Python Special Update/Build Instructions --------------------------------- - src/lapack-x.y.z.tgz: The netlib lapack tarball. If you update this, make sure you also update the LAPACK_TARBALL variable in spkg-install. - src/ATLAS-lib: We are using a dummy autotools/libtools project to repack the static ATLAS libraries into shared libraries. - src/ARCHS: We ship some archdef tarballs to speed ATLAS build. - spkg-install: If you update atlas to a new version make sure that the ATLAS_OSTYPE, ATLAS_MACHTYPE, and ATLAS_ISAEXT variables in spkg-install remain in sync with atlas' CONFIG/include/atlconf.h - The package is never installed on OS X, unless you set SAGE_ATLAS_ARCH. Patches ~~~~~~~ - patches/detect.patch: Fix Itanium2 support on modern RHEL 5 and SLES 10 systems, work around -m64 issue on Itanium2, and correctly detect number and speed of CPUs on a bunch of systems. - patches/arm_hard_floats.patch: make sure soft floats are not enforced on ARM. - patches/Makefile.patch: fix clean target. - patches/do_not_force_mutex.patch: always use assembly over mutex since the mutex version fails to build a shared library. See #15045 for details. - patches/glibc_scanf_workaround.patch: Workaround for the scanf bug in glibc-2.18 that breaks the atlas auto-tuning system. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The package can be configured via three environment variables: - SAGE_ATLAS_LIB=path If this environment variable is set, the libraries libatlas, libcblas, liblapack, and libf77blas from the direcory "path" are used and ATLAS is not compiled from source. The libraries can be either static (endin in .a) or shared libraries (ending in .so or .dylib). - SAGE_ATLAS_ARCH=arch[,isaext1][,isaext2]...[,isaextN] The given architectural default and instruction set extensions are used instead of the empirical tuning. Available architectures are POWER3, POWER4, POWER5, PPCG4, PPCG5, POWER6, POWER7, IBMz9, IBMz10, IBMz196, x86x87, x86SSE1, x86SSE2, x86SSE3, P5, P5MMX, PPRO, PII, PIII, PM, CoreSolo, CoreDuo, Core2Solo, Core2, Corei1, Corei2, Atom, P4, P4E, Efficeon, K7, HAMMER, AMD64K10h, AMDDOZER, UNKNOWNx86, IA64Itan, IA64Itan2, USI, USII, USIII, USIV, UST1, UST2, UnknownUS, MIPSR1xK, MIPSICE9, ARMv6, ARMv7 and instruction set extensions are VSX, AltiVec, AVXMAC, AVXFMA4, AVX, SSE3, SSE2, SSE1, 3DNow, NEON In addition, you can also set - SAGE_ATLAS_ARCH=fast picks defaults for a modern (2-3 year old) CPU of your processor line, and - SAGE_ATLAS_ARCH=base picks defaults that should work for a ~10 year old CPU. For example, SAGE_ATLAS_ARCH=Corei2,AVX,SSE3,SSE2,SSE1 would be appropriate for a Core i7 CPU. - If SAGE_ATLAS_SAVE_ARCHDEF = is given, then a new archdef file is created and saved to the given path. Type ---- optional Version Information ------------------- package-version.txt:: 3.10.2.p3 Equivalent System Packages -------------------------- If the system package is installed, ./configure will check whether it can be used.