Scheme implementation overview¶
Various parts of schemes were implemented by different authors. This document aims to give an overview of the different classes of schemes working together coherently.
Scheme: A scheme whose datatype might not be defined in terms of algebraic equations: e.g. the Jacobian of a curve may be represented by means of a Scheme.
AlgebraicScheme: A scheme defined by means of polynomial equations, which may be reducible or defined over a ring other than a field. In particular, the defining ideal need not be a radical ideal, and an algebraic scheme may be defined over \(\mathrm{Spec}(R)\).
AmbientSpaces: Most effective models of algebraic scheme will be defined not by generic gluings, but by embeddings in some fixed ambient space.
AffineSpace: Affine spaces and their affine subschemes form the most important universal objects from which algebraic schemes are built. The affine spaces form universal objects in the sense that a morphism is uniquely determined by the images of its coordinate functions and any such images determine a well-defined morphism.
By default affine spaces will embed in some ordinary projective space, unless it is created as an affine patch of another object.
ProjectiveSpace: Projective spaces are the most natural ambient spaces for most projective objects. They are locally universal objects.
ProjectiveSpace_ordinary (not implemented): The ordinary projective spaces have the standard weights \([1,..,1]\) on their coefficients.
ProjectiveSpace_weighted (not implemented): A special subtype for non-standard weights.
ToricVariety: Toric varieties are (partial) compactifications of algebraic tori \((\CC^*)^n\) compatible with torus action. Affine and projective spaces are examples of toric varieties, but it is not envisioned that these special cases should inherit from
AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine: An algebraic scheme defined by means of an embedding in a fixed ambient affine space.
AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_projective: An algebraic scheme defined by means of an embedding in a fixed ambient projective space.
QuasiAffineScheme (not yet implemented): An open subset \(U = X \setminus Z\) of a closed subset \(X\) of affine space; note that this is mathematically a quasi-projective scheme, but its ambient space is an affine space and its points are represented by affine rather than projective points.
AlgebraicScheme_quasi is implemented, as a base class for this.
QuasiProjectiveScheme (not yet implemented): An open subset of a closed subset of projective space; this datatype stores the defining polynomial, polynomials, or ideal defining the projective closure \(X\) plus the closed subscheme \(Z\) of \(X\) whose complement \(U = X \setminus Z\) is the quasi-projective scheme.
The quasi-affine and quasi-projective datatype lets one create schemes like the multiplicative group scheme \(\mathbb{G}_m = \mathbb{A}^1\setminus \{(0)\}\) and the non-affine scheme \(\mathbb{A}^2\setminus \{(0,0)\}\). The latter is not affine and is not of the form \(\mathrm{Spec}(R)\).
Point sets¶
PointSets and points over a ring (to do): For algebraic schemes \(X/S\) and \(T/S\) over \(S\), one can form the point set \(X(T)\) of morphisms from \(T\to X\) over \(S\).
A projective space object in the category of schemes is a locally free object – the images of the generator functions locally determine a point. Over a field, one can choose one of the standard affine patches by the condition that a coordinate function \(X_i \ne 0\).
sage: PP.<X,Y,Z> = ProjectiveSpace(2, QQ) sage: PP Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: PP(QQ) Set of rational points of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: PP(QQ)([-2, 3, 5]) (-2/5 : 3/5 : 1)
Over a ring, this is not true anymore. For example, even over an integral domain which is not a PID, there may be no single affine patch which covers a point.
sage: R.<x> = ZZ[] sage: S.<t> = R.quo(x^2+5) sage: P.<X,Y,Z> = ProjectiveSpace(2, S) sage: P(S) Set of rational points of Projective Space of dimension 2 over Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring with modulus x^2 + 5
In order to represent the projective point \((2:1+t) = (1-t:3)\) we note that the first representative is not well-defined at the prime \(p = (2,1+t)\) and the second element is not well-defined at the prime \(q = (1-t,3)\), but that \(p + q = (1)\), so globally the pair of coordinate representatives is well-defined.
sage: P([2, 1 + t]) (2 : t + 1 : 1)
In fact, we need a test
R.ideal([2, 1 + t]) == R.ideal([1])
in order to make this meaningful.
Berkovich Analytic Spaces¶
Berkovich Analytic Space (not yet implemented) The construction of analytic spaces from schemes due to Berkovich. Any Berkovich space should inherit from
Berkovich Analytic Space over Cp A special case of the general Berkovich analytic space construction. Affine Berkovich space over \(\CC_p\) is the set of seminorms on the polynomial ring \(\CC_p[x]\), while projective Berkovich space over \(\CC_p\) is the one-point compactification of affine Berkovich space \(\CC_p\). Points are represented using the classification (due to Berkovich) of a corresponding decreasing sequence of disks in \(\CC_p\).
David Kohel, William Stein (2006-01-03): initial version
Andrey Novoseltsev (2010-09-24): updated due to addition of toric varieties