Sage’s IPython Extension

A Sage extension which adds sage-specific features:

  • magics

    • %crun

    • %runfile

    • %attach

    • %display

    • %mode (like %maxima, etc.)

    • %%cython

    • %%fortran

  • preparsing of input

  • loading Sage library

  • running init.sage

  • changing prompt to Sage prompt

  • Display hook

class sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageCustomizations(shell=None)

Bases: object

Initialize the Sage plugin.

static all_globals()

Return a Python module containing all globals which should be made available to the user.


sage: from sage.repl.ipython_extension import SageCustomizations
sage: SageCustomizations.all_globals()
<module 'sage.all_cmdline' ...>

Set up Sage command-line environment


Set up transforms (like the preparser).


Register magics for each of the Sage interfaces


Run Sage’s initial startup file.


Set the exit hook to cleanly exit Sage.

class sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageJupyterCustomizations(shell=None)

Bases: sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageCustomizations

static all_globals()

Return a Python module containing all globals which should be made available to the user when running the Jupyter notebook.


sage: from sage.repl.ipython_extension import SageJupyterCustomizations
sage: SageJupyterCustomizations.all_globals()
<module 'sage.repl.ipython_kernel.all_jupyter' ...>
class sage.repl.ipython_extension.SageMagics(shell=None, **kwargs)

Bases: IPython.core.magic.Magics


Attach the code contained in the file s.

This is designed to be used from the command line as %attach /path/to/file.

  • s – string. The file to be attached


sage: import os
sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: tmp = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SAGE_TMP, ''))
sage: with open(tmp, 'w') as f: _ = f.write('a = 2\n')
sage: shell.run_cell('%attach ' + tmp)
sage: shell.run_cell('a')
sage: sleep(1)  # filesystem timestamp granularity
sage: with open(tmp, 'w') as f: _ = f.write('a = 3\n')

Note that the doctests are never really at the command prompt, so we call the input hook manually:

sage: shell.run_cell('from sage.repl.attach import reload_attached_files_if_modified')
sage: shell.run_cell('reload_attached_files_if_modified()')
### reloading attached file modified at ... ###

sage: shell.run_cell('a')
sage: shell.run_cell('detach(%r)'%tmp)
sage: shell.run_cell('attached_files()')
sage: os.remove(tmp)
sage: shell.quit()

Profile C function calls


  • s – string. Sage command to profile.


sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: shell.run_cell('%crun sum(1/(1+n^2) for n in range(100))')   # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
Using local file ...
Using local file ...
sage: shell.quit()
cython(line, cell)

Cython cell magic

This is syntactic sugar on the cython_compile() function.


  • line – ignored.

  • cell – string. The Cython source code to process.


None. The Cython code is compiled and loaded.


sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: shell.run_cell('''
....: %%cython
....: def f():
....:     print('test')
....: ''')
sage: f()

A magic command to switch between simple display and ASCII art display.

  • args – string. See sage.misc.display_hook.DisplayHookBase.set_display() for allowed values. If the mode is ascii_art, it can optionally be followed by a width.

How to use: if you want to activate the ASCII art mode:

sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: shell.run_cell('%display ascii_art')

That means you do not have to use ascii_art() to get an ASCII art output:

sage: shell.run_cell("i = var('i')")
sage: shell.run_cell('sum(i^2*x^i, i, 0, 10)')
     10       9       8       7       6       5       4      3      2
100*x   + 81*x  + 64*x  + 49*x  + 36*x  + 25*x  + 16*x  + 9*x  + 4*x  + x

Then when you want to return to ‘textual mode’:

sage: shell.run_cell('%display text plain')
sage: shell.run_cell('%display plain')        # shortcut for "text plain"
sage: shell.run_cell('sum(i^2*x^i, i, 0, 10)')
100*x^10 + 81*x^9 + 64*x^8 + 49*x^7 + 36*x^6 + 25*x^5 + 16*x^4 + 9*x^3 + 4*x^2 + x

Sometime you could have to use a special output width and you could specify it:

sage: shell.run_cell('%display ascii_art')
sage: shell.run_cell('StandardTableaux(4).list()')
[                                                                  1  4    1  3
[                 1  3  4    1  2  4    1  2  3    1  3    1  2    2       2
[   1  2  3  4,   2      ,   3      ,   4      ,   2  4,   3  4,   3   ,   4   ,

           1 ]
   1  2    2 ]
   3       3 ]
   4   ,   4 ]
sage: shell.run_cell('%display ascii_art 50')
sage: shell.run_cell('StandardTableaux(4).list()')
[                 1  3  4    1  2  4    1  2  3
[   1  2  3  4,   2      ,   3      ,   4      ,

                                          1 ]
                  1  4    1  3    1  2    2 ]
  1  3    1  2    2       2       3       3 ]
  2  4,   3  4,   3   ,   4   ,   4   ,   4 ]

As yet another option, typeset mode. This is used in the emacs interface:

sage: shell.run_cell('%display text latex')
sage: shell.run_cell('1/2')

Switch back:

sage: shell.run_cell('%display default')

Switch graphics to default to vector or raster graphics file formats:

sage: shell.run_cell('%display graphics vector')
fortran(line, cell)

Fortran cell magic.

This is syntactic sugar on the fortran() function.


  • line – ignored.

  • cell – string. The Cython source code to process.


None. The Fortran code is compiled and loaded.


sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: shell.run_cell('''
....: %%fortran
....: C FILE: FIB1.F
....:       SUBROUTINE FIB(A,N)
....: C
....: C
....:       INTEGER N
....:       REAL*8 A(N)
....:       DO I=1,N
....:          IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
....:             A(I) = 0.0D0
....:          ELSEIF (I.EQ.2) THEN
....:             A(I) = 1.0D0
....:          ELSE
....:             A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I-2)
....:          ENDIF
....:       ENDDO
....:       END
....: ''')
sage: fib
<fortran object>
sage: from numpy import array
sage: a = array(range(10), dtype=float)
sage: fib(a, 10)
sage: a
array([  0.,   1.,   1.,   2.,   3.,   5.,   8.,  13.,  21.,  34.])

A magic command to interactively load a file as in MAGMA.

  • args – string. The file to be interactively loaded


Currently, this cannot be completely doctested as it relies on raw_input().


sage: ip = get_ipython()           # not tested: works only in interactive shell
sage: ip.magic_iload('/dev/null')  # not tested: works only in interactive shell
Interactively loading "/dev/null"  # not tested: works only in interactive shell

Execute the code contained in the file s.

This is designed to be used from the command line as %runfile /path/to/file.

  • s – string. The file to be loaded.


sage: import os
sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
sage: from sage.misc.all import tmp_dir
sage: shell = get_test_shell()
sage: tmp = os.path.join(tmp_dir(), '')
sage: with open(tmp, 'w') as f:
....:     _ = f.write('a = 2\n')
sage: shell.run_cell('%runfile '+tmp)
sage: shell.run_cell('a')
sage: shell.quit()
sage.repl.ipython_extension.load_ipython_extension(*args, **kwargs)

Load the extension in IPython.


Runs a function (successfully) only once.

The running can be reset by setting the has_run attribute to False