Enumeration of Primitive Totally Real Fields

This module contains functions for enumerating all primitive totally real number fields of given degree and small discriminant. Here a number field is called primitive if it contains no proper subfields except Q.

See also sage.rings.number_field.totallyreal_rel, which handles the non-primitive case using relative extensions.


We use Hunter’s algorithm ([Coh2000], Section 9.3) with modifications due to Takeuchi [Tak1999] and the author [Voi2008].

We enumerate polynomials f(x)=xn+an1xn1++a0. Hunter’s theorem gives bounds on an1 and an2; then given an1 and an2, one can recursively compute bounds on an3,,a0, using the fact that the polynomial is totally real by looking at the zeros of successive derivatives and applying Rolle’s theorem. See [Tak1999] for more details.


In this first simple example, we compute the totally real quadratic fields of discriminant 50.

sage: enumerate_totallyreal_fields_prim(2,50)
[[5, x^2 - x - 1],
 [8, x^2 - 2],
 [12, x^2 - 3],
 [13, x^2 - x - 3],
 [17, x^2 - x - 4],
 [21, x^2 - x - 5],
 [24, x^2 - 6],
 [28, x^2 - 7],
 [29, x^2 - x - 7],
 [33, x^2 - x - 8],
 [37, x^2 - x - 9],
 [40, x^2 - 10],
 [41, x^2 - x - 10],
 [44, x^2 - 11]]
sage: [ d for d in range(5,50) if (is_squarefree(d) and d%4 == 1) or (d%4 == 0 and is_squarefree(d/4)) ]
[5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 33, 37, 40, 41, 44]

Next, we compute all totally real quintic fields of discriminant 105:

sage: ls = enumerate_totallyreal_fields_prim(5,10^5) ; ls
[[14641, x^5 - x^4 - 4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 3*x - 1],
 [24217, x^5 - 5*x^3 - x^2 + 3*x + 1],
 [36497, x^5 - 2*x^4 - 3*x^3 + 5*x^2 + x - 1],
 [38569, x^5 - 5*x^3 + 4*x - 1],
 [65657, x^5 - x^4 - 5*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 5*x + 1],
 [70601, x^5 - x^4 - 5*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 3*x - 1],
 [81509, x^5 - x^4 - 5*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 5*x - 2],
 [81589, x^5 - 6*x^3 + 8*x - 1],
 [89417, x^5 - 6*x^3 - x^2 + 8*x + 3]]
 sage: len(ls)

We see that there are 9 such fields (up to isomorphism!).

See also [Mar1980].


  • John Voight (2007-09-01): Initial version.

  • John Voight (2007-09-19): Various optimization tweaks.

  • John Voight (2007-10-09): Added DSage module.

  • John Voight (2007-10-17): Added pari functions to avoid recomputations.

  • John Voight (2007-10-27): Separated DSage component.

  • Craig Citro and John Voight (2007-11-04): Additional doctests and type checking.

  • Craig Citro and John Voight (2008-02-10): Final modifications for submission.

sage.rings.number_field.totallyreal.enumerate_totallyreal_fields_prim(n, B, a=[], verbose=0, return_seqs=False, phc=False, keep_fields=False, t_2=False, just_print=False, return_pari_objects=True)

This function enumerates primitive totally real fields of degree n>1 with discriminant dB; optionally one can specify the first few coefficients, where the sequence a corresponds to

a[d]*x^n + ... + a[0]*x^(n-d)

where length(a) = d+1, so in particular always a[d] = 1.


This is guaranteed to give all primitive such fields, and seems in practice to give many imprimitive ones.


  • n – (integer) the degree

  • B – (integer) the discriminant bound

  • a – (list, default: []) the coefficient list to begin with

  • verbose – (integer or string, default: 0) if verbose == 1 (or 2), then print to the screen (really) verbosely; if verbose is a string, then print verbosely to the file specified by verbose.

  • return_seqs – (boolean, default False) If True, then return the polynomials as sequences (for easier exporting to a file).

  • phc – boolean or integer (default: False)

  • keep_fields – (boolean or integer, default: False) If keep_fields is True, then keep fields up to B*log(B); if keep_fields is an integer, then keep fields up to that integer.

  • t_2 – (boolean or integer, default: False) If t_2 = T, then keep only polynomials with t_2 norm >= T.

  • just_print – (boolean, default: False): if just_print is not False, instead of creating a sorted list of totally real number fields, we simply write each totally real field we find to the file whose filename is given by just_print. In this case, we don’t return anything.

  • return_pari_objects – (boolean, default: True) if both return_seqs and return_pari_objects are False then it returns the elements as Sage objects; otherwise it returns pari objects.


the list of fields with entries [d,f], where d is the discriminant and f is a defining polynomial, sorted by discriminant.


  • John Voight (2007-09-03)

  • Craig Citro (2008-09-19): moved to Cython for speed improvement


This function returns the unconditional Odlyzko bound for the root discriminant of a totally real number field of degree n.


The bounds for n > 50 are not necessarily optimal.


  • n (integer) the degree


a lower bound on the root discriminant (as a real number)


sage: [sage.rings.number_field.totallyreal.odlyzko_bound_totallyreal(n) for n in range(1,5)]
[1.0, 2.223, 3.61, 5.067]


  • John Voight (2007-09-03)

NOTES: The values are calculated by Martinet [Mar1980].

sage.rings.number_field.totallyreal.weed_fields(S, lenS=0)

Function used internally by the enumerate_totallyreal_fields_prim() routine. (Weeds the fields listed by [discriminant, polynomial] for isomorphism classes.) Returns the size of the resulting list.


sage: ls = [[5,pari('x^2-3*x+1')],[5,pari('x^2-5')]]
sage: sage.rings.number_field.totallyreal.weed_fields(ls)
sage: ls
[[5, x^2 - 3*x + 1]]