Univariate Dense Skew Polynomials over a field equipped with a finite order automorphism¶
- Xavier Caruso (2012-06-29): initial version
Arpit Merchant (2016-08-04): improved docstrings, fixed doctests and refactored classes and methods
¶ Bases:
This method constructs a generic dense skew polynomial over a field equipped with an automorphism of finite order.
– parent ofself
– list of coefficients from whichself
can be constructedcheck
– flag variable to normalize the polynomialconstruct
– boolean (default:False
()¶ Return a bound of this skew polynomial (i.e. a multiple of this skew polynomial lying in the center).
Since \(b\) is central, it divides a skew polynomial on the left iff it divides it on the right
Sage first checks whether
is itself in the center. It if is, it returnsself
If an optimal bound was previously computed and cached, Sage returns it
Otherwise, Sage returns the reduced norm of
As a consequence, the output of this function may depend on previous computations (an example is given below).
sage: k.<t> = GF(5^3) sage: Frob = k.frobenius_endomorphism() sage: S.<x> = k['x', Frob] sage: Z = S.center(); Z Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Finite Field of size 5 sage: a = x^2 + (4*t + 2)*x + 4*t^2 + 3 sage: b = a.bound(); b z^2 + z + 4
We observe that the bound is explicitly given as an element of the center (which is a univariate polynomial ring in the variable \(z\)). We can use conversion to send it in the skew polynomial ring:
sage: S(b) x^6 + x^3 + 4
We check that \(b\) is divisible by \(a\):
sage: S(b).is_right_divisible_by(a) True sage: S(b).is_left_divisible_by(a) True
Actually, \(b\) is the reduced norm of \(a\):
sage: b == a.reduced_norm() True
Now, we compute the optimal bound of \(a\) and see that it affects the behaviour of
:sage: a.optimal_bound() z + 3 sage: a.bound() z + 3
()¶ Return
if this skew polynomial lies in the center.EXAMPLES:
sage: k.<t> = GF(5^3) sage: Frob = k.frobenius_endomorphism() sage: S.<x> = k['x', Frob] sage: x.is_central() False sage: (t*x^3).is_central() False sage: (x^6 + x^3).is_central() True
()¶ Return the optimal bound of this skew polynomial (i.e. the monic multiple of this skew polynomial of minimal degree lying in the center).
The result is cached.
sage: k.<t> = GF(5^3) sage: Frob = k.frobenius_endomorphism() sage: S.<x> = k['x', Frob] sage: Z = S.center(); Z Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Finite Field of size 5 sage: a = x^2 + (4*t + 2)*x + 4*t^2 + 3 sage: b = a.optimal_bound(); b z + 3
We observe that the bound is explicitly given as an element of the center (which is a univariate polynomial ring in the variable \(z\)). We can use conversion to send it in the skew polynomial ring:
sage: S(b) x^3 + 3
We check that \(b\) is divisible by \(a\):
sage: S(b).is_right_divisible_by(a) True sage: S(b).is_left_divisible_by(a) True
(var=None)¶ Return the reduced norm of this skew polynomial.
– a string orFalse
); the variable name; ifFalse
, return the list of coefficients
The result is cached.
sage: k.<t> = GF(5^3) sage: Frob = k.frobenius_endomorphism() sage: S.<x> = k['x', Frob] sage: a = x^3 + (2*t^2 + 3)*x^2 + (4*t^2 + t + 4)*x + 2*t^2 + 2 sage: N = a.reduced_norm(); N z^3 + 4*z^2 + 4
The reduced norm lies in the center of \(S\), which is a univariate polynomial ring in the variable \(z = x^3\) over \(\GF{5}\):
sage: N.parent() Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Finite Field of size 5 sage: N.parent() is S.center() True
We can use explicit conversion to view
as a skew polynomial:sage: S(N) x^9 + 4*x^6 + 4
By default, the name of the central variable is usually
for more details about this). However, the user can speciify a different variable name if desired:sage: a.reduced_norm(var='u') u^3 + 4*u^2 + 4
When passing in
, a tuple of coefficients (instead of an actual polynomial) is returned:sage: a.reduced_norm(var=False) (4, 0, 4, 1)
If \(r\) (= the order of the twist map) is small compared to \(d\) (= the degree of this skew polynomial), the reduced norm is computed as the determinant of the multiplication by \(P\) (= this skew polynomial) acting on \(K[X,\sigma]\) (= the underlying skew ring) viewed as a free module of rank \(r\) over \(K[X^r]\).
Otherwise, the reduced norm is computed as the characteristic polynomial of the left multiplication by \(X\) on the quotient \(K[X,\sigma] / K[X,\sigma] P\) (which is a \(K\)-vector space of dimension \(d\)).
(var=None)¶ Return the reduced trace of this skew polynomial.
– a string orFalse
); the variable name; ifFalse
, return the list of coefficients
sage: k.<t> = GF(5^3) sage: Frob = k.frobenius_endomorphism() sage: S.<x> = k['x', Frob] sage: a = x^3 + (2*t^2 + 3)*x^2 + (4*t^2 + t + 4)*x + 2*t^2 + 2 sage: tr = a.reduced_trace(); tr 3*z + 4
The reduced trace lies in the center of \(S\), which is a univariate polynomial ring in the variable \(z = x^3\) over \(\GF{5}\):
sage: tr.parent() Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Finite Field of size 5 sage: tr.parent() is S.center() True
We can use explicit conversion to view
as a skew polynomial:sage: S(tr) 3*x^3 + 4
By default, the name of the central variable is usually
for more details about this). However, the user can specify a different variable name if desired:sage: a.reduced_trace(var='u') 3*u + 4
When passing in
, a tuple of coefficients (instead of an actual polynomial) is returned:sage: a.reduced_trace(var=False) (4, 3)