- Tutorial: Using Free Modules and Vector Spaces
- Abstract base class for modules
- Free modules
- Discrete Subgroups of \(\ZZ^n\)
- Elements of free modules
- Free modules of finite rank
- Pickling for the old CDF vector class
- Pickling for the old RDF vector class
- Vectors over callable symbolic rings
- Space of Morphisms of Vector Spaces (Linear Transformations)
- Vector Space Morphisms (aka Linear Transformations)
- Homspaces between free modules
- Morphisms of free modules
- Morphisms defined by a matrix
- Finitely generated modules over a PID
- Elements of finitely generated modules over a PID
- Morphisms between finitely generated modules over a PID
- Finite \(\ZZ\)-modules with with bilinear and quadratic forms.
- Diamond cutting implementation
- Concrete classes related to modules with a distinguished basis.
- Cell Modules
- Module with basis morphisms
- Quotients of Modules With Basis
- Representations Of A Semigroup
- Iterators over finite submodules of a \(\ZZ\)-module
- Free quadratic modules
- Integral lattices
- Miscellaneous module-related functions
- Quotients of finite rank free modules over a field.
- Dense complex double vectors using a NumPy backend.
- Dense vectors using a NumPy backend.
- Vectors with integer entries
- Vectors with elements in GF(2)
- Vectors with integer mod n entries, with n small
- Vectors with rational entries
- Dense real double vectors using a NumPy backend.
- Vectors over the symbolic ring
- \(\ZZ\)-Filtered Vector Spaces
- Multiple \(\ZZ\)-Graded Filtrations of a Single Vector Space
- Helper Classes to implement Tensor Operations