Vector Bundle Fiber Elements

The class VectorBundleFiberElement implements vectors in the fiber of a vector bundle.


  • Michael Jung (2019): initial version

class sage.manifolds.vector_bundle_fiber_element.VectorBundleFiberElement(parent, name=None, latex_name=None)

Bases: sage.tensor.modules.free_module_element.FiniteRankFreeModuleElement

Vector in a fiber of a vector bundle at the given point.


  • parent – VectorBundleFiber; the fiber to which the vector belongs

  • name – (default: None) string; symbol given to the vector

  • latex_name – (default: None) string; LaTeX symbol to denote the vector; if None, name will be used


A vector \(v\) in a fiber of a rank 2 vector bundle:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top')
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: p = M((1,-1), name='p')
sage: E = M.vector_bundle(2, 'E')
sage: e = E.local_frame('e')
sage: Ep = E.fiber(p)
sage: v = Ep((-2,1), name='v'); v
Vector v in the fiber of E at Point p on the 2-dimensional topological
 manifold M
sage: v.display()
v = -2 e_0 + e_1
sage: v.parent()
Fiber of E at Point p on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M
sage: v in Ep

See also

FiniteRankFreeModuleElement for more documentation.