Convert PARI objects to Sage types

sage.libs.pari.convert_sage.gen_to_sage(z, locals=None)

Convert a PARI gen to a Sage/Python object.


  • z – PARI gen

  • locals – optional dictionary used in fallback cases that involve sage_eval()


One of the following depending on the PARI type of z

  • a Integer if z is an integer (type t_INT)

  • a Rational if z is a rational (type t_FRAC)

  • a RealNumber if z is a real number (type t_REAL). The precision will be equivalent.

  • a NumberFieldElement_quadratic or a ComplexNumber if z is a complex number (type t_COMPLEX). The former is used when the real and imaginary parts are integers or rationals and the latter when they are floating point numbers. In that case The precision will be the maximal precision of the real and imaginary parts.

  • a Python list if z is a vector or a list (type t_VEC, t_COL)

  • a Python string if z is a string (type t_STR)

  • a Python list of Python integers if z is a small vector (type t_VECSMALL)

  • a matrix if z is a matrix (type t_MAT)

  • a padic element (type t_PADIC)

  • a Infinity if z is an infinity (type t_INF)


sage: from sage.libs.pari.convert_sage import gen_to_sage

Converting an integer:

sage: z = pari('12'); z
sage: z.type()
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
sage: a.parent()
Integer Ring

sage: gen_to_sage(pari('7^42'))

Converting a rational number:

sage: z = pari('389/17'); z
sage: z.type()
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
sage: a.parent()
Rational Field

sage: gen_to_sage(pari('5^30 / 3^50'))

Converting a real number:

sage: pari.set_real_precision(70)
sage: z = pari('1.234'); z
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
sage: a.parent()
Real Field with 256 bits of precision
sage: pari.set_real_precision(15)
sage: a = gen_to_sage(pari('1.234')); a
sage: a.parent()
Real Field with 64 bits of precision

For complex numbers, the parent depends on the PARI type:

sage: z = pari('(3+I)'); z
3 + I
sage: z.type()
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
i + 3
sage: a.parent()
Number Field in i with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 with i = 1*I

sage: z = pari('(3+I)/2'); z
3/2 + 1/2*I
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
1/2*i + 3/2
sage: a.parent()
Number Field in i with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 with i = 1*I

sage: z = pari('1.0 + 2.0*I'); z
1.00000000000000 + 2.00000000000000*I
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
1.00000000000000000 + 2.00000000000000000*I
sage: a.parent()
Complex Field with 64 bits of precision

sage: z = pari('1 + 1.0*I'); z
1 + 1.00000000000000*I
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
1.00000000000000000 + 1.00000000000000000*I
sage: a.parent()
Complex Field with 64 bits of precision

sage: z = pari('1.0 + 1*I'); z
1.00000000000000 + I
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
1.00000000000000000 + 1.00000000000000000*I
sage: a.parent()
Complex Field with 64 bits of precision

Converting polynomials:

sage: f = pari('(2/3)*x^3 + x - 5/7 + y')
sage: f.type()

sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
sage: gen_to_sage(f, {'x': x, 'y': y})
2/3*x^3 + x + y - 5/7
sage: parent(gen_to_sage(f, {'x': x, 'y': y}))
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field

sage: x,y = SR.var('x,y')
sage: gen_to_sage(f, {'x': x, 'y': y})
2/3*x^3 + x + y - 5/7
sage: parent(gen_to_sage(f, {'x': x, 'y': y}))
Symbolic Ring

sage: gen_to_sage(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

Converting vectors:

sage: z1 = pari('[-3, 2.1, 1+I]'); z1
[-3, 2.10000000000000, 1 + I]
sage: z2 = pari('[1.0*I, [1,2]]~'); z2
[1.00000000000000*I, [1, 2]]~
sage: z1.type(), z2.type()
('t_VEC', 't_COL')
sage: a1 = gen_to_sage(z1)
sage: a2 = gen_to_sage(z2)
sage: type(a1), type(a2)
(<... 'list'>, <... 'list'>)
sage: [parent(b) for b in a1]
[Integer Ring,
 Real Field with 64 bits of precision,
 Number Field in i with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 with i = 1*I]
sage: [parent(b) for b in a2]
[Complex Field with 64 bits of precision, <... 'list'>]

sage: z = pari('Vecsmall([1,2,3,4])')
sage: z.type()
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
[1, 2, 3, 4]
sage: type(a)
<... 'list'>
sage: [parent(b) for b in a]
[<... 'int'>, <... 'int'>, <... 'int'>, <... 'int'>]


sage: z = pari('[1,2;3,4]')
sage: z.type()
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
[1 2]
[3 4]
sage: a.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Integer Ring

Conversion of p-adics:

sage: z = pari('569 + O(7^8)'); z
2 + 4*7 + 4*7^2 + 7^3 + O(7^8)
sage: a = gen_to_sage(z); a
2 + 4*7 + 4*7^2 + 7^3 + O(7^8)
sage: a.parent()
7-adic Field with capped relative precision 8

Conversion of infinities:

sage: gen_to_sage(pari('oo'))
sage: gen_to_sage(pari('-oo'))

Conversion of strings:

sage: s = pari('"foo"').sage(); s
sage: type(s)
<type 'str'>