Wrappers for Giac functions¶
We provide a python function to compute and convert to sage a Groebner
basis using the giacpy_sage
Martin Albrecht (2015-07-01): initial version
Han Frederic (2015-07-01): initial version
sage: from sage.libs.giac import groebner_basis as gb_giac # random
sage: P = PolynomialRing(QQ, 6, 'x')
sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Cyclic(P)
sage: B = gb_giac(I.gens()) # random
sage: B
Polynomial Sequence with 45 Polynomials in 6 Variables
¶ Bases:
Context preserve libgiac settings.
(gens, proba_epsilon=None, threads=None, prot=False, elim_variables=None, *args, **kwds)¶ Compute a Groebner Basis of an ideal using
. The result is automatically converted to sage.Supported term orders of the underlying polynomial ring are
and block orders with 2degrevlex
- an ideal (or a list) of polynomials over a prime field of characteristic 0 or p<2^31proba_epsilon
- (default: None) majoration of the probabilityof a wrong answer when probabilistic algorithms are allowed.
is None, the value ofsage.structure.proof.all.polynomial()
is taken. If it is false then the globalgiacpy_sage.giacsettings.proba_epsilon
is used.if
is 0, probabilistic algorithms are disabled.
- (default: None) Maximal number of threads allowed for giac. If None, the globalgiacpy_sage.giacsettings.threads
is considered.prot
- (default: False) if True print detailled informationselim_variables
- (default: None) a list of variables to eliminate from the ideal.if
is None, a Groebner basis with respect to the term ordering of the parent polynomial ring of the polynomialsgens
is computed.if
is a list of variables, a Groebner basis of the elimination ideal with respect to adegrevlex
term order is computed, regardless of the term order of the polynomial ring.
Polynomial sequence of the reduced Groebner basis.
sage: from sage.libs.giac import groebner_basis as gb_giac sage: P = PolynomialRing(GF(previous_prime(2**31)), 6, 'x') sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Cyclic(P) sage: B=gb_giac(I.gens());B // Groebner basis computation time ... Polynomial Sequence with 45 Polynomials in 6 Variables sage: B.is_groebner() True
Elimination ideals can be computed by passing
:sage: P = PolynomialRing(GF(previous_prime(2**31)), 5, 'x') sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Cyclic(P) sage: B = gb_giac(I.gens(), elim_variables=[P.gen(0), P.gen(2)]) // Groebner basis computation time ... sage: B.is_groebner() True sage: B.ideal() == I.elimination_ideal([P.gen(0), P.gen(2)]) True
Computations over QQ can benefit from
a probabilistic lifting:
sage: P = PolynomialRing(QQ,5, 'x') sage: I = ideal([P.random_element(3,7) for j in range(5)]) sage: B1 = gb_giac(I.gens(),1e-16) # long time (1s) ... If successful..., error probability is less than 1e-16 ... sage: sage.structure.proof.all.polynomial(True) sage: B2 = gb_giac(I.gens()) # long time (4s) // Groebner basis computation time... sage: B1 == B2 # long time True sage: B1.is_groebner() # long time (20s) True
multi threaded operations:
sage: P = PolynomialRing(QQ, 8, 'x') sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Cyclic(P) sage: time B = gb_giac(I.gens(),1e-6,threads=2) # doctest: +SKIP ... Time: CPU 168.98 s, Wall: 94.13 s
You can get detailled information by setting
sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Katsura(P) sage: gb_giac(I,prot=True) # random, long time (3s) 9381383 begin computing basis modulo 535718473 9381501 begin new iteration zmod, number of pairs: 8, base size: 8 ...end, basis size 74 prime number 1 G=Vector [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,... ...creating reconstruction #0 ... ++++++++basis size 74 checking pairs for i=0, j= checking pairs for i=1, j=2,6,12,17,19,24,29,34,39,42,43,48,56,61,64,69, ... checking pairs for i=72, j=73, checking pairs for i=73, j= Number of critical pairs to check 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++... Successful... check of 373 critical pairs 12380865 end final check Polynomial Sequence with 74 Polynomials in 8 Variables
(func)¶ Decorator to preserve Giac’s proba_epsilon and threads settings.
sage: def testf(a,b): ....: giacsettings.proba_epsilon = a/100 ....: giacsettings.threads = b+2 ....: return (giacsettings.proba_epsilon, giacsettings.threads) sage: from sage.libs.giac.giac import giacsettings sage: from sage.libs.giac import local_giacsettings sage: gporig, gtorig = (giacsettings.proba_epsilon,giacsettings.threads) sage: gp, gt = local_giacsettings(testf)(giacsettings.proba_epsilon,giacsettings.threads) sage: gporig == giacsettings.proba_epsilon True sage: gtorig == giacsettings.threads True sage: gp<gporig, gt-gtorig (True, 2)