Homset categories

class sage.categories.homsets.Homsets(s=None)

Bases: sage.categories.category_singleton.Category_singleton

The category of all homsets.


sage: from sage.categories.homsets import Homsets
sage: Homsets()
Category of homsets

This is a subcategory of Sets():

sage: Homsets().super_categories()
[Category of sets]

By this, we assume that all homsets implemented in Sage are sets, or equivalently that we only implement locally small categories. See Wikipedia article Category_(mathematics).

trac ticket #17364: every homset category shall be a subcategory of the category of all homsets:

sage: Schemes().Homsets().is_subcategory(Homsets())
sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().is_subcategory(Homsets())
sage: AdditiveMagmas().AdditiveUnital().Homsets().is_subcategory(Homsets())

This is tested in HomsetsCategory._test_homsets_category().

class Endset(base_category)

Bases: sage.categories.category_with_axiom.CategoryWithAxiom

The category of all endomorphism sets.

This category serves too purposes: making sure that the Endset axiom is implemented in the category where it’s defined, namely Homsets, and specifying that Endsets are monoids.


sage: from sage.categories.homsets import Homsets
sage: Homsets().Endset()
Category of endsets
class ParentMethods

Bases: object


Return True as self is in the category of Endsets.


sage: P.<t> = ZZ[]
sage: E = End(P)
sage: E.is_endomorphism_set()

Implement the fact that endsets are monoids.


sage: from sage.categories.homsets import Homsets
sage: Homsets().Endset().extra_super_categories()
[Category of monoids]
class ParentMethods

Bases: object


Return True if the domain and codomain of self are the same object.


sage: P.<t> = ZZ[]
sage: f = P.hom([1/2*t])
sage: f.parent().is_endomorphism_set()
sage: g = P.hom([2*t])
sage: g.parent().is_endomorphism_set()
class SubcategoryMethods

Bases: object


Return the subcategory of the homsets of self that are endomorphism sets.


sage: Sets().Homsets().Endset()
Category of endsets of sets

sage: Posets().Homsets().Endset()
Category of endsets of posets

Return the super categories of self.


sage: from sage.categories.homsets import Homsets
sage: Homsets()
Category of homsets
class sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsCategory(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction.FunctorialConstructionCategory


If this homsets category is subcategory of a category with a base, return that base.


Is this really useful?


sage: ModulesWithBasis(ZZ).Homsets().base()
Integer Ring
classmethod default_super_categories(category)

Return the default super categories of category.Homsets().


  • cls – the category class for the functor \(F\)

  • category – a category \(Cat\)

OUTPUT: a category

As for the other functorial constructions, if category implements a nested Homsets class, this method is used in combination with category.Homsets().extra_super_categories() to compute the super categories of category.Homsets().


If category has one or more full super categories, then the join of their respective homsets category is returned. In this example, this join consists of a single category:

sage: from sage.categories.homsets import HomsetsCategory
sage: from sage.categories.additive_groups import AdditiveGroups

sage: C = AdditiveGroups()
sage: C.full_super_categories()
[Category of additive inverse additive unital additive magmas,
 Category of additive monoids]
sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(C); H
Category of homsets of additive monoids
sage: type(H)
<class 'sage.categories.additive_monoids.AdditiveMonoids.Homsets_with_category'>

and, given that nothing specific is currently implemented for homsets of additive groups, H is directly the category thereof:

sage: C.Homsets()
Category of homsets of additive monoids

Similarly for rings: a ring homset is just a homset of unital magmas and additive magmas:

sage: Rings().Homsets()
Category of homsets of unital magmas and additive unital additive magmas

Otherwise, if category implements a nested class Homsets, this method returns the category of all homsets:

sage: AdditiveMagmas.Homsets
<class 'sage.categories.additive_magmas.AdditiveMagmas.Homsets'>
sage: HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(AdditiveMagmas())
Category of homsets

which gives one of the super categories of category.Homsets():

sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().super_categories()
[Category of additive magmas, Category of homsets]
sage: AdditiveMagmas().AdditiveUnital().Homsets().super_categories()
[Category of additive unital additive magmas, Category of homsets]

the other coming from category.Homsets().extra_super_categories():

sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().extra_super_categories()
[Category of additive magmas]

Finally, as a last resort, this method returns a stub category modelling the homsets of this category:

sage: hasattr(Posets, "Homsets")
sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(Posets()); H
Category of homsets of posets
sage: type(H)
<class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>
sage: Posets().Homsets()
Category of homsets of posets
class sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsCategory

Default class for homsets of a category.

This is used when a category \(C\) defines some additional structure but not a homset category of its own. Indeed, unlike for covariant functorial constructions, we cannot represent the homset category of \(C\) by just the join of the homset categories of its super categories.


sage: C = (Magmas() & Posets()).Homsets(); C
Category of homsets of magmas and posets
sage: type(C)
<class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>

Return the super categories of self.

A stub homset category admits a single super category, namely the category of all homsets.


sage: C = (Magmas() & Posets()).Homsets(); C
Category of homsets of magmas and posets
sage: type(C)
<class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>
sage: C.super_categories()
[Category of homsets]